The requirements and conditions of a flight in a private plane differ from what regular air carriers offer. Commercial airlines are doing everything possible to attract as many passengers on board as possible. When ordering a private jet, everything is aimed at providing comfort for one passenger. All details are taken into account: an individual menu is compiled during the flight, music is selected taking into account the tastes of the passenger, interior design, etc.
When renting a private jet Santorini, the client is provided with a number of related services, including support at the aviation terminal. The customer will be assisted in passing customs, solving immigration issues, obtaining permits for the transportation of pets. The rules of baggage transportation have been simplified. Below are answers to popular questions that new customers ask us.
When do I need to arrive at the airport?
Most private-type aircraft are significantly smaller than commercial ones in size. Due to the difference in dimensions, it takes no more than ten minutes to load luggage and board passengers. You can arrive at the airport half an hour before departure. This time will be quite enough. If you arrive by private transport, you can leave it near the terminal doors. At some airports, customers are allowed to drive directly to the ramp by car. Our staff will answer your questions, inform you about the arrival of the flight, and provide additional services.

Do I need to take my passport with me?
Immigration requirements are the same for both passengers on commercial flights and those traveling by private plane. It is necessary to take a passport – without this document, departure is impossible. The main difference lies in the level of comfort and service during passport control. A passenger of a private plane will not have to waste time waiting in line for registration. All operations take a minimum of time.
Will the luggage be inspected?
Anyone who has ever used commercial airlines knows how long the baggage inspection can take. When ordering a private flight, the situation is similar: all baggage is subject to inspection. However, unlike commercial flights, you don’t have to waste your time standing in queues. In this regard, the procedure takes a minimum of time.
You will not have to carry heavy suitcases, as for passengers renting a private flight, a shorter route for baggage screening is provided. There are no restrictions on the size of luggage.

Where can I get a ticket?
When ordering a private flight, tickets are not issued to the client, as they are simply not needed. Only documents containing information about the flight, with a description of the route, booking conditions, etc. are issued on hand. There is also information about the crew, contact details, aircraft number, parking information.
Can I take animals with me?
Yes, pets are allowed on private flights. The owner will have to take care of proper flight conditions for the animal. In addition, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of food with you. The pet must have a veterinary passport and be vaccinated. In the case of a private flight, you can take your pet with you to the cabin, and he will not experience stress in the luggage compartment.
Source: private jet rent price uk